Purbrook Infant School is in the centre of a largely residential area in the outer suburbs of Portsmouth. Many parents from out of catchment select our school as their first choice. Purbrook Infant School is a three form entry school that offers a warm and friendly welcome to all, a fact often commented on by visitors to the school.
We share our site with Purbook Junior School and there is close liaison between the two schools. Our school can accommodate 270 children. There are three year groups, Year R, Year 1 and Year 2, with three classes in each. We do not have mixed age classes. Children may be taught as a whole class or, from time to time, in groups. Children from different classes may work together.
We have a purpose built Early Years Foundation Stage Unit where the three reception classes work, we also have six Key Stage 1 classrooms. Additionally we have a community room, a library, a large hall, a music room and a nurture room. We also provide the children with weekly Forest School sessions.
The school has extensive grounds. It has a large playground and a smaller fenced playground which is used by the reception children as part of their learning environment. All the children use the playground all year round for daily playtimes and it supports the curriculum well.
The aim of staff and governors at Purbrook Infant School is for all children to be given opportunities to achieve their potential in a safe, stimulating environment which supports the curriculum.
The school is a learning community and is strongly committed to extending and developing the learning of everybody in it, adults and children alike.
School starts each day at 8.45am (with registers closing at 8.55am). The school day finishes at 3.15pm.
Children are at school for 32.5 hours per week.