Monday 11th Jan
We are aware that some of you are having problems with Tapestry. It is working but is being very slow. We have contacted Tapestry and they are aware of the situation and are desperately trying to sort it. The website is hitting capacity and they are trying to improve this. They were not expecting the sudden increase in traffic that they got last week.
Monday 11th January – Day Plan
Circle time: Our word of the week is delicious. Our action can be found here (the first video) Talk about what delicious means and see if you can use it in a sentence.
Literacy – Write a speech bubble for the Gruffalo. What might he say? For example, I am hungree for sum mows on toast.
Phonics – Continue working through the phonics videos, and visit Phonics Play (UN: Jan21, PW: home) for some Phase 2 activities.
Maths: Explore o’clock times. Can you draw some o’clock times for 1-5 o’clock and then order them? What do you do at one o’clock each day?
Funky fingers: Use the YouTube videos from last week to watch how we write r, n and m in school script. Practise these at home – you could use pencil and paper or get messy and write in flour, mud or ketchup!
Story time – share a favourite story and talk about the characters. What were they thinking / feeling etc?