Parent, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)
As the parent/carer of a child at Purbrook Infant School you are automatically a member of the PTFA and we would be delighted to meet you at one of our regular gatherings. Information as to meeting dates and times can be found on “Friday Fliers” (the school’s weekly newsletter) and on our notice board outside the doors to the main office.
The Parents, Teachers & Friends Association (PTFA), are a group, some of whose members form a committee. The group raises money for the benefit of all the children of Purbrook Infant School and also supports events by providing time and resources. Money raised enables the purchase of valuable equipment and resources as well as provision of events such as the annual pantomime which has been funded by the PTFA for several years.
Throughout the year exciting events are organised for all the family to enjoy. The main fundraising events are usually the Summer and Christmas Fayres.
Other ways in which the PTFA support the children and the school is by funding, organising and running the Year 2 leavers disco, and arranging the refreshments for Sports Days. They also provide a Christmas Market where the children can do their own Christmas shopping for the family.
This year the PTFA have been working with the school to improve the outdoor environment. We held our third “Ground Force Day” in March when parents, children and teachers took time out of their weekend to install raised beds, cut back the wooded area and revamp the courtyard.
Funds raised in recent years have been spent on playground markings, a unique willow structure, a wooden train in the playground, new stage equipment for the hall, an outdoor shed for play equipment and many other resources used by the children.
As children move through the school and eventually leave to attend junior school, so our members move on too. It is therefore vital that each school year we encourage new parents to attend meetings and to become involved in our activities.
There is often a lot of work involved in organising events and the more parents we can get to help the better. Working parties are held as required: they are often great fun as they are informal, serve as social gatherings as well as getting the jobs done!
The PTFA welcomes all new members and would appreciate your active support from September. Meetings are held every other month. With even more support we can do even greater things!
We look forward to meeting you.
With Best Wishes from the PTFA.