Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
This section of the website is specifically for the parents/carers of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disability attending, or interested in attending, Purbrook Infant School.
If you would like to know about the education, recreation and support services available locally for children with SEND, The Hampshire Local Offer is a good place to start. The website can be found by following this link:
A warm welcome to all new and returning parents and carers.
At Purbrook Infant School, all teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We are an inclusive school.
We aim to:
- Identify need at the earliest point, and then make effective provision, to improve long-term outcomes for the child
- Educate children with SEND, in an inclusive environment, accessing their entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum as an active member of a community of peers
- Ensure children feel valued as individuals and experience high self-esteem
- Personalise provision (which is additional to, or different from, that which is available to all students) to their needs, through effective and efficient use of available and appropriate resources
- Empower children to make the best possible progress and have their progress tracked/evaluated to inform planning/provision
Please read our SEND policy, come to our parent coffee mornings and/or request an appointment to find out more and discuss the individual needs of your child.
Please contact the administration office (adminoffice@purbrook-inf.hants.sch.uk) or the SENDCo, Zoe Bailey (z.bailey@purbrook-inf.hants.sch.uk) if you would like any further information or support.