Our Vision Statement
Purbrook Infant School, as a community, is committed to developing the learning of all children and adults. Everyone in our school is encouraged to develop academically, spiritually, morally, socially, culturally and physically.

We achieve this by:
- providing a safe and secure learning environment in which all individuals are nurtured and encouraged
- providing high quality teaching and learning which ensures that the needs of all children are recognised and met
- teaching children to view challenge positively
- developing perseverance and resilience in all our children so they can experience success in their learning and overcome adversity
- planning a creative and stimulating curriculum which is responsive to the interests and needs of all our children
- ensuring that all resources support learning and are of high quality
- valuing the individual contributions of all members of the school community as well as team work
- building and maintaining strong links with parents and the wider community
- developing children’s independence and providing opportunities for them to acquire the necessary skills and attributes to be lifelong learners so that they can contribute to society as adults
- teaching children to respect others and their ideas as well as to have self respect
- encouraging children to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle and an understanding of why this is important
- celebrating everyone’s efforts and achievements and recognising and nurturing academic, artistic and sporting talents
Personal Development Learning Statement
Purbrook Infant School aims to provide a safe learning environment in which everyone is given the opportunity to reach their full potential. The school values every member of the community as an individual and recognises the vital role that it plays in developing citizens who will play an active role in society.
The school vision statement clearly outlines our aims to develop all children and adults, ensuring confidence and creating a secure, stimulating and happy environment in which everyone can learn.
Personal Development Learning at Purbrook Infant School aims to provide pupils with time to explore sensitive and controversial issues, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to understanding and manage difficult situations. We will teach pupils to recognise and manage risk, make safe choices and recognise when pressure from others threatens their personal safety and wellbeing. Pupils will develop effective ways of resisting pressure and know how to get help. Pupils will be encouraged to develop positive character traits including confidence, resilience, determination and self-esteem.
Our PDL provision aims to address the needs of the local community. Where possible we endeavour to work in partnership with outside agencies including the voluntary sector in order to deliver a balanced PDL programme.